A specialist in leading complex Business Transformations from defining the vision to driving the implementation, AGOTRA offers the following services:

Interim Management

Le Management de transition permet à votre entreprise de mettre en place très rapidement des compétences managériales adaptées à la situation.


Visioning the future

This service enables an organization or an enterprise to precisely formulate their objectives for their business transformations.

This offering includes exploratory interviews with key transformation stakeholders, as well as interactive workshops in order to stimulate collective intelligence and rapidly deliver:

  • A precise formulation of the challenges to address
  • A shared and detailed description of the targeted end state for the organization
  • A set of Key Performance Indicators
  • A list of risks and opportunities
  • A business case draft for the planned business transformation

Specifics such as number and duration of meetings as well as terms and conditions are agreed with the customer based on their needs.

Conferences and training

AGOTRA is asked by enterprises, universities, and other institutions to share state of the art information and experience about successful Business Transformation programs

These presentations can be customized as conferences, round tables, interactive workshops, or academic training sessions as needed. They stimulate managerial thinking and exchanges on the need to run Business Transformation or not and the approaches for success.

Examples of presentations:

  • Business Transformation programs
  • Digital switchover: why and how?
  • Organizational Transformation: pitfalls and key success factors

Transformation planning

This consultancy offering enables an enterprise or an organization to design a detailed Business Transformation  implementation program.

The offering includes exploratory interviews with the main Business Transformation stakeholders, as well as interactive workshops in order to produce deliverables such as:

  • Detailed Transformation  business case: expected benefits, financial analysis, recommendations on how to align the business transformation with the enterprise strategy
  • Transformation program roadmap: activities and projects, timeline, deliverables, expected benfits, key program milestones, interdependencies
  • Transformation program governance model: stakeholder analysis, governance structure, program management organization, program management monitoring and control method

Specifics such as number and duration of meetings as well as terms and conditions are agreed with the customer based on their needs.